The Big Idea: Africa

Young people from all across Africa came together to connect and share ideas on changemaking and how to get decision makers to sit up, listen and take action on Climate and Education issues.

Our discussions focused on three key topics:

  1. The challenges faced by the education and climate sector in Africa
  2. Possible solutions to solving community specific problems
  3. Meaningful engagement of decision makers in communities

Key points raised by young people during the conversation were:

  1. Lack of awarness and collaborations between key stakeholders on topics relating to climate change and education.
  2. Exclusion of climate change in formal school curriculums.
  3. The need for transformative innovation from young people and the role of collaborating regionally and nationally to find and scale solutions.
  4. Tokenistic representation and lack of influence of young people in decision making spaces.
  5. Huge opportunity to leverage social media to raise awareness and reach decision makers.

The group had the opportunity to ideate on what a strategy to make world leaders take action would look like:

  1. Proactive innovations and involvement of leaders in the process. If the issues of climate change are to be addressed, then the innovative solution should come from within.
  2. A common voice on issues of climate change and education. If decision makers are to listen, then we all must speak with one voice. Speaking collectively would encourage leaders to listen.  
  3. Inviting decisions makers to youth-led events and campaigns to ensure that they are involved in every step of the way.
  4. Share learning that has worked best elsewhere, most leaders are always seeking for different solutions that can work in their countries.
  5. More advocacy for policy adaptation that strengthens intergenerational collaboration with young people and decision makers.

What’s your BIG Idea?

Do you have an idea for how we can get power-holders to sit up and listen about climate and education?

Send us your idea