Faridah’s Story

Faridah, is a 24-year-old psychotherapist living in Uganda.  In her country, young people, young mothers, and women face many challenges. It is difficult to access sexual reproductive health services, especially for women in rural areas whose partners deny them a choice or access to services Farida Women in Uganda are viewed as inferiors who cannot …

Jerome and Bako’s Story

For Jerome and Bako, it’s the rise in confidence that was their biggest achievement from volunteering with Restless Development. “I was able to achieve my goals” shared Bako when asked about his proudest achievement. “For example, I learned to be resilient. In Uganda, if you don’t learn to be resilient, you might meet with failures.” …

Tonny and Claudia’s Story

For Tonny and Claudia, a charged phone is the first priority ahead of a busy day volunteering. Tonny lists his morning tasks, giving us an idea of what his daily to-do list looks like. “First I travel to the project location, meet the project lead, and prepare to start monitoring a project. I speak to …

Prudence’s Story

Leading the fight against gender-based violence in Uganda. Since the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic, cases of gender-based violence have increased exponentially. Movement restrictions and the lockdown have further restricted young women and girls from seeking support. Young leaders all over the world, concerned by the rising cases of violence in families have stepped up …

Juliet Nakazibwe: My Leadership Journey.

This story is a part of our 10 years of Restless Development Celebrations; Becoming Restless, Changing Development. Youth constitute 18% of the global population (in my country, Uganda,  they are 78% of the population), and they understand the challenges they face better than anyone.  I believe the main solution to the development challenge across the …

Franco’s Story

Franco is now more determined than ever to protect the environment. Especially in his community in Karamoja, one of the most remote areas of Uganda.

Fiona’s Story

With the support of Restless Development, young volunteers have set-up call-centres in six rural districts of Uganda to support communities to report cases of gender-based violence and economic exclusion during the lockdown.

Four stories of youth resilience from around the world.

As we celebrate this year’s International Youth Day, we find ourselves living in a new era of incredible resilience. Young people everywhere have been showing their resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting not just themselves but their communities too. These four stories of young people from the UK, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and …

Britah’s story

Britah is a young leader volunteering with Restless Development as part of the Development Alternative. Britah has been monitoring a community project called Young Women skilling implemented by Somero Uganda, worth UGX 463600000 (£100,000) implemented by the Uganda Government. It is located in Bwaise, one of the poorest suburbs in Kampala, Uganda. The Young Women …

Bosco’s Story

Bosco’s shop Bosco, 24, smiles as he stands amongst shelves of useful items for sale; washing powder, batteries, packets of biscuits, soap. One side of his shop is piled high with large, cream coloured bags filled. Each bag is packed with sunflower seeds. Bosco explains, “There is a large market in Uganda for sunflower seeds.“ Customers …