Christina’s Story

Christina is a young Restless who is challenging gender stereotypes in her community and supporting other young entrepreneurs. 

Ilumbo’s Story

Each year, around one million young people enter the job market in Tanzania, yet their access to formal employment is incredibly limited. Young people face a range of challenges from accessing capital to skills mismatch, resulting in high unemployment rates. Women and girls face additional challenges as one in three girls are married before 18, …

Jerome and Bako’s Story

For Jerome and Bako, it’s the rise in confidence that was their biggest achievement from volunteering with Restless Development. “I was able to achieve my goals” shared Bako when asked about his proudest achievement. “For example, I learned to be resilient. In Uganda, if you don’t learn to be resilient, you might meet with failures.” …

Agness’s Story

“I facilitate football drills lessons in community football teams to share sexual health information with young people.” Agness Malunga, 22, is a football player who plays for a youth football team in Katuba, a rural community in Mkushi District, Central Province, Zambia. Growing up, Agness always played football – a male-dominated game in her village. …

Tonny and Claudia’s Story

For Tonny and Claudia, a charged phone is the first priority ahead of a busy day volunteering. Tonny lists his morning tasks, giving us an idea of what his daily to-do list looks like. “First I travel to the project location, meet the project lead, and prepare to start monitoring a project. I speak to …

Prudence’s Story

Leading the fight against gender-based violence in Uganda. Since the outbreak of the COVID19 pandemic, cases of gender-based violence have increased exponentially. Movement restrictions and the lockdown have further restricted young women and girls from seeking support. Young leaders all over the world, concerned by the rising cases of violence in families have stepped up …

Haroun’s Story

“Growing up was not easy. I wanted to be independent, make a decent income and support my family.”  Haroun is a 23 year old business owner from Moshi, Tanzania.  He was brought up by his aunt, as his mother passed away when he was very young. Life was not easy growing up, and he sometimes …

Finnah’s story 

In Finnah’s community, teenage pregnancy and early marriage are problems facing many girls. “I grew up in Badala/Iyisia village in Sierra Leone. There are limited opportunities here for young people to make the best out of their lives. We are a loving family even though none of the children were fortunate enough to go to …

Sitta’s story

“People who receive an education are exposed to a wide range of opportunities. Now I provide for my needs and have my own business as a hairdresser.”  Education can be life changing, helping girls shape their own future, on their terms.  But in countries such as Sierra Leone, where 17 year old Sitta lives, systemic …

Kumba’s Story

“Getting an education is important because it opens new doors for you.” Young people around the world tell us that making a living is one of the biggest challenges they face.  But how we make a living is hugely determined by our education. Kumba is 17 years old. She was born in Guinea, but at …