
Establishing communities free of Gender-Based Violence, child marriages, teen pregnancies and other harmful practices. Gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV) restrict women and girls’ mobility, access to resources, and limit their decision-making power―all of which impact their ability to act on their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Adolescent girls between 10-19 years of …

Taking Climate Change to Schools

Living in the Climate Crisis Young people are disproportionally affected by the climate crisis. The voices of young Africans are often unheard in public and political discussions of climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation. Restless Development’s Living in Climate Crisis report, drawing from 1214 survey responses and 102 interviews with young people in Uganda found …

Youth Climate Action Lab

A youth-led movement on addressing the issues of climate change in Urban Bengaluru. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues affecting young people.


A holistic adolescent and youth empowerment package. Rupantaran is a holistic adolescent development social and financial skills package; with focus on two age groups (i.e. 10-14 years and 15-19 years) separately, is fully tested with and among adolescents and adults. The package comprising of 15 modules has been designed in partnership and consultation with various …

Nepali Youth in Climate Action and Green Growth

Young people leading climate change mitigation and adaptation. Restless Development Nepal through a strong collaborative consortium partnership with Youth Innovation Lab, Creasion and Centre for Disaster Management Study, has initiated a climate change adaptation and mitigation focused project. Engaging Youth to support and capacitate the local governments to develop Local Disaster and Climate Resilient Plans …

Youth Take the Lead

Shared learning to unleash Youth Power. Youth take the lead is an ongoing project developing young leadership in youth from Nepal, South Africa and Tanzania to building leadership by working together. The project aims to unleash the power create a positive impact in their respective communities. It is a 6 months exchange program that began …


 Enabling young people to lead change and development The Aim Youth Power project supports youth-led accountability of duty-bearers articulated around the capacity-building of a network of youth-led organizations that are already active in youth`-led accountability. Working through youth-led organizations we hope to create a sustainable way to engage young people in accountability work while making …

Youth Take the Lead Programme

Young People demonstrating leadership skills. Youth Take the Lead Exchange Programme was established in 2019. The focus of the programme is to enhance youth leadership through a volunteer exchange across Restless Development Hubs. The 1st and 2nd cycles (2019 and 2020) had three participating Hubs (Nepal, Tanzania and South Africa) coordinated by the Nepal Hub. …

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East Africa Youth Inclusion Programme

East Africa Youth Inclusion Programme (EAYIP) aims at improving livelihoods by creating jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities of 25,000 economically disadvantaged young men and women (ages 15-24) in Uganda and Tanzania. The programme helps create youth owned and managed businesses as well as employment opportunities in dairy and other agricultural value chains. EAYIP is equipping young …

Girls Leadership Programme

Entrepreneurship skills for livelihood improvement. Girls Leadership Programme under the Mercury Phoenix Trust was established in 2021 targeting 1,345 youth (347 Males and 998 Female) between the age of 15-24. The programme was introduced to feed the gap in the current GRREAT project under UNICEF funding where adolescent girls receive training on life skills and …