Justine’s Story

Peer to Peer education saving up young lives in Tanzania Justine is a young change maker from Kyela District impacting change through peer education where he facilitates sessions in five (5) villages in Mwaya ward in Mbeya Region. Recurring incidents of abuse, assault and misconduct carried out by juvenile in conflict with the law has …

Christina’s Story

Christina is a young Restless who is challenging gender stereotypes in her community and supporting other young entrepreneurs. 

Ilumbo’s Story

Each year, around one million young people enter the job market in Tanzania, yet their access to formal employment is incredibly limited. Young people face a range of challenges from accessing capital to skills mismatch, resulting in high unemployment rates. Women and girls face additional challenges as one in three girls are married before 18, …

Haroun’s Story

“Growing up was not easy. I wanted to be independent, make a decent income and support my family.”  Haroun is a 23 year old business owner from Moshi, Tanzania.  He was brought up by his aunt, as his mother passed away when he was very young. Life was not easy growing up, and he sometimes …

Happy’s Story

Story of Happy Balisidya, a 28 year-old feminist from Tanzania in her fight against Gender-based Violence.

Dorice’s Story

Dorice Ahmed Mkiva is 27-year-old feminist leader and youth accountability advocate from Tanzania. She is passionate about working with young people to ensure their meaningful participation in community-led change.

Hawa’s Story

Hawa, 23, is from Iringa, a town in central Tanzania. She grew up with two brothers, two sisters and a single mother who is now retired and subsistence farms for a living.

Anastazia’s Story

On learning about the challenges people living with disabilities face in her community, Anastazia decided to pursue a Bachelors of Education in Special Needs at the University of Dodoma.

Paulina: The 16 year old girl helping to end GBV in her community.

Meet Paulina Paulina Joseph, a 16-year-old girl from a village called Mtitaa, in central Tanzania, has been working hard to eradicate gender-based violence in her community. Paulina, who lives with her mother and two siblings, is in her third year of secondary school. Growing up she saw women and girls in her community held back …

Tanzania youth striving through entrepreneurship

Tanzania youth are making a sustainable living through the honey business. Meet Adam Jeremiah (31) from Singida Tanzania. Adam with other 8 young people decided to start a bee farm to produce honey. They named their youth network Kuku farm group (4 women, 5 men). They have been working on honey production for over 5 …