
Establishing communities free of Gender-Based Violence, child marriages, teen pregnancies and other harmful practices. Gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV) restrict women and girls’ mobility, access to resources, and limit their decision-making power―all of which impact their ability to act on their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Adolescent girls between 10-19 years of …


 Enabling young people to lead change and development The Aim Youth Power project supports youth-led accountability of duty-bearers articulated around the capacity-building of a network of youth-led organizations that are already active in youth`-led accountability. Working through youth-led organizations we hope to create a sustainable way to engage young people in accountability work while making …


Youth Unemployment The youth unemployment crisis has only been made worse by the pandemic, but we are working side by side with young people to tackle it. Every year Restless Development Zambia trains, mentors, nurtures and connects thousands of young people to solve problems and lead change in their communities. Some are social entrepreneurs, setting …


Strengthening civil society organizations for the promotion of a safe and secure environment for children and young people.

Projects Overview

Restless Development Zambia is a nationally registered Non-Government Organization operating since 2003. Here is an overview of our projects.


O3 strengthens the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education as well as improving the outcomes sexual reproductive health and rights educations for adolescents.

Tikambe Youth Media

The Tikambe Youth Media, ”Let’s talk” programme, helps the young people have a voice, gain life skills, and attain an understanding of their sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR).

Restless Experts Offer

Do you want to make sure your organization, development programmes and policies are responsive to the needs of young people? Do you feel it’s important to harness the capacities of young people? If yes, then Restless Experts is what you need.

Community-led development project

The project aims at empowering women, men, and young people living in rural communities to become agents of their own development and make sustainable progress in overcoming hunger and poverty.

Young People for Covid-19 Governance

The Youth Participation in COVID-19 governance is a youth-led accountability and governance project that facilitates a dialogue between Government, local authorities and young citizens.