Building Back Better- Advocating for an equitable recovery form Covid19

Africa Youth Partnership Youth-led Research Series by young people from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe The youth led research was conducted under the Africa Youth Partnership outlining various impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and the gaps in recovery processes in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Whilst there have been …

Michael and Peter’s Story

Solar Powered Innovation is lighting up young lives in Sierra Leone. Electricity is essential for learning in rural Sierra Leone, meaning the difference between being able to study at night, or skipping homework.  For most students in rural communities, children join their parents on the farm or market to help earn money after school and return …

Fanta’s Story

Gender must not determine whether girls get education, Girls, just like boys, deserve education because an educated girl can change the world. Fanta Jalloh is a 23-year-old woman living in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Her favourite childhood memory was going to school. Fanta used to love social studies, her dream was to study to become a …

Finnah’s story 

In Finnah’s community, teenage pregnancy and early marriage are problems facing many girls. “I grew up in Badala/Iyisia village in Sierra Leone. There are limited opportunities here for young people to make the best out of their lives. We are a loving family even though none of the children were fortunate enough to go to …

Sitta’s story

“People who receive an education are exposed to a wide range of opportunities. Now I provide for my needs and have my own business as a hairdresser.”  Education can be life changing, helping girls shape their own future, on their terms.  But in countries such as Sierra Leone, where 17 year old Sitta lives, systemic …

Kumba’s Story

“Getting an education is important because it opens new doors for you.” Young people around the world tell us that making a living is one of the biggest challenges they face.  But how we make a living is hugely determined by our education. Kumba is 17 years old. She was born in Guinea, but at …

Isatu’s Story

“It is important to learn as it helps to change your behaviour to help yourself and those around you and your community.” Education has the power to give girls the freedom to build their own futures.  Isatu has always been fully aware of this. She lives in the Rokulan community, in the Bombali District of …

Princess’ story

Young people look up to me as a role model because of the training I received from Restless Development. Education has the power to change the lives of women and girls, on their terms.  Princess has witnessed this first hand throughout her own journey as Restless Development’s Programme Coordinator in Sierra Leone. “My name is …