Serah from Sierra Leone

Serah’s Story

“I do not have much memory of my childhood. All I can remember is that I had a desire to be educated.” “I’m Serah Koroma and I’m 19.” Serah grew up in Diang Sokurala, a village in Sierra Leone. After spending her early years attending school, a tragedy in the family changed her life. “I …

Kadiatu’s Story

“I now do things on my terms.” The power of education can be life-changing, helping girls shape their own future. Kadiatu, a 17-year-old from Sierra Leone, knows this well. “Education and opportunities are one of the same. They make great things happen to change people’s lives.” But in many countries like Sierra Leone, too many …


UPSHIFT empowers young people to identify challenges in their communities and create entrepreneurial solutions to address them.

Safeguarding is top priority in Sierra Leone

Key findings of our complaints, feedback and response mechanism review Our Sierra Leone Hub is leading the way on safeguarding. So far, we have worked with over 200 communities to ensure that they can recognise potential concerns and report safeguarding issues or incidents to us, irrespective of whether they involve one of our staff members …

Young people in Sierra Leone play key role in fighting corruption

Since June 2019, Restless Development has been supporting young Sierra Leoneans to be involved in a nationwide programme – Strengthening Public Financial Management, Anti-Corruption and Accountability Institutions in Sierra Leone. 64 young people have volunteered as Youth Accountability Volunteers (YAVs) on this programme, based in towns and villages across all the districts of Sierra Leone. …

From being stationary to starting my stationery business.

This story is a part of our 10 years of Restless Development Celebrations; Becoming Restless, Changing Development. Since 1985 we’ve been helping young people take control of their lives and help their communities, and ten years ago we transformed to be more community-driven than ever. Abdul Mans-Kanu, now a Programme Officer at Restless Development, tells …

International Day of the Girl Child 2020

Young people are fighting for girls rights in Sierra Leone. Every year on 11th October, the world celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child, and this year’s theme is “My voice, our equal future.” Today, we are taking time to engage with adolescent girls and their communities across Sierra Leone to promote their rights. …

Using local resources to fight COVID-19

In Sierra Leone, one in 17 mothers face a lifetime risk of dying while giving birth. In Sierra Leone, young people are playing a key role in the country’s COVID-19 response, with Restless Development supporting 184 young volunteers on the UK Aid funded ‘Unite for Save Lives nar Salone’ programme to respond to the pandemic in every …

Four stories of youth resilience from around the world.

As we celebrate this year’s International Youth Day, we find ourselves living in a new era of incredible resilience. Young people everywhere have been showing their resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting not just themselves but their communities too. These four stories of young people from the UK, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and …