The Big Idea: Asia 

This 90 minute session brought together young people from Asia to ideate a strategy that could make world leaders sit up and listen on the climate and education crisis. The Big Idea event was a fantastic place to connect with other Asians who are as passionate as me about climate education and youth-led transformation. It …

Youth Power in 2022

No one else knows more about youth issues and how to solve them than young people themselves. We are the experts. – Mialy, 24, Youth Researcher from Madagascar The world continues to face unique challenges. From climate change and economic inequality to political upheaval and social injustice, the world is changing. Young people are at …

The Big Idea: Africa

Young people from all across Africa came together to connect and share ideas on changemaking and how to get decision makers to sit up, listen and take action on Climate and Education issues. Our discussions focused on three key topics: Key points raised by young people during the conversation were: The group had the opportunity …

Youth Governance Tip Sheet

Prioritising young people in programs, governance and decision-making. Restless Development US has been busy this year with their pilot program the Meaningful Youth Engagement (MYE) Lab funded by Citi Foundation. We gathered a cohort of youth-employment focussed organisations to begin discussions and imagine solutions to prioritise young people in programs, governance and decision-making. This can …

Christina’s Story

Christina is a young Restless who is challenging gender stereotypes in her community and supporting other young entrepreneurs. 

Ilumbo’s Story

Each year, around one million young people enter the job market in Tanzania, yet their access to formal employment is incredibly limited. Young people face a range of challenges from accessing capital to skills mismatch, resulting in high unemployment rates. Women and girls face additional challenges as one in three girls are married before 18, …

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Young people as changemakers on climate and health

Bridging the Climate change research gap through youth-led research in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is on the frontline of dramatic climate change impacts. Equipping its communities with an understanding of climate change-related risks, causes, and strategies for adaptation is now more crucial than ever. However, research on climate change in the country is limited, leaving a huge …

Global Annual Report 2021

At the heart of everything we do is Youth Power. More than ever the world needs young people’s power and leadership to solve its greatest challenges. We support the collective power of young leaders to create a better world. In 2021 we trained, mentored, nurtured and connected thousands of young people to use their youth …

#MissingMajority at COP27

Ensuring no one gets left behind. The COP27 in Egypt will be an important global platform to continue momentum and calling for increased commitments on climate and education, following on from the recent United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and Transforming Education Summit where these intersecting issues were high on political agendas. #MissingMajority calls for strengthened …