Restless Experts Offer

Do you want to make sure your organization, development programmes and policies are responsive to the needs of young people? Do you feel it’s important to harness the capacities of young people? If yes, then Restless Experts is what you need.

Community-led development project

The project aims at empowering women, men, and young people living in rural communities to become agents of their own development and make sustainable progress in overcoming hunger and poverty.

Young People for Covid-19 Governance

The Youth Participation in COVID-19 governance is a youth-led accountability and governance project that facilitates a dialogue between Government, local authorities and young citizens.

Reproductive Rights Toolkit

Know your reproductive rights. In Zambia today, access to sexual and reproductive health information and services continues to be a problem among young people. Socio-cultural barriers prevent young Zambians from accessing guidance on avoiding pregnancy and making positive decisions about their sexual health. Through this toolkit we are sharing – in a youth-friendly manner- information …

Theresa’s Story

At the savings group, it’s like we are one family. Theresa Under a shady tree in rural Zambia, members of Katondo community gather around a small metal box hidden in a scarf. They carefully unwrap the box and unlock the padlock that seals it shut. Out of the box comes cash, a large notepad, a …

Mwila’s Story

Standing firm in the middle of a market in rural Zambia is Mwila. Mwila isn’t a business strategist or a management consultant. She is a young person, who, with a little bit of training, set up her own business and is now using her experience to multiply decent livelihoods for young people in her community.  …

Young Zambian girls participating in a school club session.

Zambian Girls 2030

Zambian Girls 2030 engages in a range of strategies to increase the number of girls attending and completing their secondary education.

Youth Power Solidarity Meetups

Over the past four months, as an expression of solidarity and youth power, the youth power panel have been bringing young people together from all over the world, to connect and share ideas around COVID-19. The idea is to support young people to meet with others around the world – others they wouldn’t typically have …

Young People Doing Something About It

A youth-led assessment on legal and safe abortion services in Zambia. A group of young researchers designed and carried out this research into legal and safe abortion services in Zambia. This report outlines their process, findings and recommendations.